"We have pretty much the same interests! Linkin Park and Evanescence are great! I think the Walking Dead is one of the best series of the last years!"
"1. The Hobbit 2. Skyfall 3. Life of Pi 4. The Dark Knight Rises 5. Argo"
"Deve essere bellissimo il carnevale di Venezia! Prima o poi ci andrรฒ..."
"Fortunately, I've only seen Speed 2 and that was enough! I've seen the beginning of Napoleon Dynamite and I refused to go along with the movie!"
"1 Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor - Terminator 2 2 Sally Field as Mrs. Gump - Forrest Gump 3 Julia Roberts as Erin Brockovich - Erin Brockovich 4 Natalie Portman as Novalee Nation - Where the Heart Is "
"1) Harrison Ford - Raiders of the Lost Ark - Professor Indiana Jones 2) Robin Williams - Dead Poets Society - John Keating 3) Maggie Smith - Harry Potter - Professor Minerva McGonagall 4) Arnold Schwa"
"1) Blade Runner 2) Australia http://www.listal.com/viewimage/1582598h 3) The Shawshank Redemption 4) Match Point http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2369828h 5) Breakfast at Tiffany's "